
Friday, May 30, 2008

Why women lie?

Something someone put up in a forum...

One day, as a seamstress was sewing while sitting close to a river, her thimble fell into the river. When she cried out, the Lord appeared and asked, "Why are you crying?" The seamstress replied that her thimble had fallen into the water and that she needed it to help her husband in making a living for the two of them.

The Lord went down into the water and reappeared with a golden thimble. "Is this your thimble?" the Lord asked. The seamstress replied, "No."

The Lord again went down and came up with a silver thimble. "Is this your thimble?" the Lord asked. Again, the seamstress replied, "No."

The Lord went down again and came up with a bone thimble. "Is this your thimble?" the Lord asked. The seamstress replied, "Yes."

The Lord was pleased with the woman's honesty and gave her all three thimbles to keep and the seamstress went home happy. Some time later, the seamstress was walking with her husband along the riverbank and her husband fell into the river. When she cried out, the Lord again appeared and asked her, "Why are you crying?" "Oh, Lord, my husband has fallen into the water!"
The Lord went down into the water and came up with Mel Gibson. "Is this your husband?" the Lord asked. "Yes," cried the seamstress. The Lord was furious. "You lied! That is an untruth!"

The seamstress replied, "Oh, forgive me, my Lord. It is a misunderstanding. You see, if I had said 'no' to Mel Gibson, you would have come up with Tom Cruise. Then if I said 'no' to him, you would have come up with my husband. Had I then said 'yes,' you would have given me all three. Lord, I'm not in the best of health and would not be able to take care of all three husbands, so THAT'S why I said 'yes' to Mel Gibson."

The moral of this story is: Whenever a woman lies, it's for a good and honorable reason, and it's always for the benefit of others..........That's our story, and we're sticking to it.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Best advice I heard in years.

This is one of best advice I heard in years done by one of the coolest motivator in Youtube. Momo from the Momozone. Check out his Youtube page & if you are a fellow Youtuber do subscribe to him bcos he is just simply awesome!

The Secret Of The Happy Pill.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Just want to know he's alive.

I knew somebody; a guy. & he became something in my life. I can't say I loved him because I didn't think I did. Can't say he's my friend either because we never actually were friends.

Yes, we enjoyed some moments together. Those moments like blurred movie in my head. Old photos stored somewhere in the hidden recesses of my memory. Somebody not really significant. Yet somebody or something that is like a piece of small thorn inside your flesh that gives that dull sense of pain once in a while.

There are times when I thought why I could not get rid of him from my head. I got rid of him physically by way of cutting off all communication but still linger that wondering whether he is still alive. Because the last time we met it was raining cats & dogs & I had the slightest thought that he might have hurt himself or died. Not that it would bother me if he did but that thought itself, that single piece of unanswered questions; wandered in my flesh like that piece of annoying thorn.

And maybe there was something deeper that I just refused to looked into. Like forgiving myself for hurting him. Like forgiving him for hurting me. And like forgiving myself for letting him get under my skin & making me cry during those little storms that we had.

You know, I saw him yesterday. At first, I couldn't be sure it was him. He was fatter & somewhat uglier. I'm not being sarcastic here but hey...seriously. I pretended not to see him & he pretended not to see me.

And finally found out he's actually still alive.

How do I feel now?

Like that piece of thorn had been taken out. I barely able to recall how he looked like.