No, I do not think that the hot hot hot Sheikh Muzaffar is a monkey neither does he acted like one. The reason I put this photo side by side is to reflect how far had we gone since the forties in exploration of space.
"One small step for man...one big sacrifice for a monkey." AlbertI died before he reached space but 'he' was the first official primate to be launched into space with the vision to someday launch a more intelligent species. Like Sheikh.
Though I'm not sure intelligent would be right word to label those who would sacrifice another life for a bigger 'cause'. Maybe cunning would be more appropriate.
But what irked me is that those monkeys were never given any recognition for sacrificing their life. Where's the medal of honor? The flag covered coffin with bagpipes on their funeral. Or the compensation for their immediate family for the lost of a great son in the name of space explorations. Didn't anybody arranged insurance for them?
You see, how far we had gone. Nowadays our astronaut are not only bigger and smarter, they also have less hair. And we are capable of making scientific research in space. Commandeering a ship in empty space. And monkeying around in zero gravity. Which the monkey never did when they're in space. A monkey are not suppose to be monkeying around. Who the heck made that rule?
Sheikh had made Malaysia proud. I believe, contrary to all the haters out there who frowned upon our 'free gift' from Russia, that Malaysia had done a remarkable feat. Labeling Sheikh names he didn't deserved.Questioning his abilities, capabilities and whatever he was suppose to have done in space.
I'm not a silent unrequited lover here at the other side of space but neither am I a hardcore hater.
Do I adore Sheikh?
No, but he sure looked dashing enough to be adored by thousand. His clean shaven face and well shined smiles. Heck he IS a dentist. Just the type gay guys would loved to cuddle.
Would I buy his book if he wrote one? Probably not. I don't even buy Donald Trumps book. And this guy had been in 'space' with officially three gorgeous women in his lifetime.
In the near future however, space travel would not be something you have to compete for. If things really goes well Richard Branson would have his first Virgin spacecraft. Space tourist would have the chance to monkey around in zero gravity. Maybe Tony Fernandez would hop on the boat and bring Air Asia flight to space.
And we'll round up Malaysian orang utans, gorilla, chimpanzee and a couple of Big Foot from Endau Rompin. Oh yes...the gorilla would be imported and given Bumiputera status. Let them wear traditional costume and Keris for backup weapon. Sent them to space for the first primate space flight.
Maybe this time they are allowed to be themselves. Just monkeys.
And the Sheikh would just have to wait for another purchase of Sukhoi jet fighters.
Things aside, I hope Faiz would have his chance to go to space & I'm happy at least one guy manage to fulfill his dream.
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