
Saturday, January 31, 2009

I was standing

I was standing,
Just standing,
Standing at the balcony,
About jumping.

But it wouldn’t be a good affair,
Coz down is a long way,

And in the seconds when I reached the seventh floor,
And in the seconds when I realised seven more,

I would probably wonder,
If being dead is the right answer.

Then I would suddenly regret,
But it would be too late.

And in the morning when my body were found,
My blood soaking the ground.

The empty shell that housed a soul,
Lying lifeless, rigid and cold.

And somebody would ponder,
What could have pushed me over,
Was it because of a lover?
Or wasn’t I loved by my mother?
Beaten up before by my father?
How about my brothers and sister?

Yet none above are true,
I just couldn’t find a reason to continue.

How long had this been?
Feeling of helplessness of livin,
The need to end all,
With one little fall.

Yet, will everything actually ends?
How am I supposed to know without a working brain?

Will I feel at peace with everything?
When I don’t have a heart to feel anything?
Will I still retain my conciousness?
Yet wasn’t my goal complete nothingness?

And worst still,
If I still can feel.

Will I be burnt eternally in hell?
Heck, that doesn’t sound quite well.

I was standing,
Just standing,
Standing at the balcony,
About jumping.

But it wouldn’t be a good affair,
Coz down is a long way.

So I decided to live another day.

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I walk.
I'm depressed and dissappointed.
Empty minds


  1. Oddly enough, this sounds so eerily familiar. I guess you are not the only one who ever thought of this. Whatever it is, I would always remember someone old and wise once said this to me. "..You might think that your can end your suffering by ending your life. But for those who really love you unconditionally, their suffering have just begun..."

    Think about it whenever the thought ever cross your mind.

  2. Yeah girl, thats what stopping me every time the crazy thoughts crossed my mind.
